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Top 6 Tips To Engage Event Attendees in 2021

Event management staff can use these six tips to engage attendees:

1. Hire performers -

Event attendees want to be entertained. They will leave early if they are not enjoying themselves. Therefore, keep everyone engaged by hiring musicians or comedians. Think about the type of people in the audience. Who do they want to see? The event will be memorable if there are performers that resonate with everyone. Convincing these performers to show up will not be easy. Their time is valuable. Venue consulting staff might have to spend a significant portion of their budget. However, the whole ordeal will be worth it if everyone can have a good time.

2. Get people talking -

Events are social gatherings. Communicating with event attendees is the key. Attendees cannot stay engaged without talking to each other. Thus, the event planner should make it easy to have conversations. Give everyone name tags to facilitate introductions. Arrange tables and chairs close to each other so that people do not have to shout across the room. Encourage people to talk by incorporating ice breakers throughout the event. Attendees will naturally be engaged if they find people that share common interests. People continue to talk once they overcome the initial resistance to speak up. Attendees might meet lifelong friends as a result. They can also introduce new friends to existing friends. Everyone’s social circles will grow.

3. Make sure there is food available -

Attendees cannot enjoy themselves if they are hungry. They will not have any energy. Event planners must make sure everyone is well-fed. Hire a catering company that considers everyone’s dietary restrictions. Meticulously label ingredients on each dish to prevent allergic reactions. People will become unhappy if they have adverse reactions to food. They might have to leave early or seek medical attention. By feeding their guests, event planners can increase the energy level in the room. Everyone can then dedicate their undivided attention to the main purpose of the event.

4. Incorporate technology -

Most people today have smartphones. The event management professional should take advantage of these devices. Send mass emails with instructions at the beginning of the event. This prevents people from getting lost during the event. In addition, event planners can use smartphones to help people network. Match participants with each other and tell them where to go. Come up with a hashtag for the occasion. This might encourage people to take selfies and post them on social media. Keep people busy in between performances by using apps to play trivia games. This gives the staff ample time to set up the stage for the next performance.

5. Make sure the temperature is comfortable -

Room temperature affects the way people behave. Most people do not want to be in a place where they will sweat profusely. Likewise, people will not want to do anything if the room is too cold. Event planners must be mindful of the venue they choose. They need to regularly check the weather, especially if the event is outdoors. Check if the venue has a good ventilation system. If not, then event planners should consider switching locations.

6. Make presentations interesting -

No one likes to sit through a boring presentation. They will fall asleep. People are more likely to doze off if the speaker has a monotonous voice. Therefore, presenters should focus on articulating their words. Keep presentations brief by talking about key points. Do not talk about tangential topics that do not support the presentation’s purpose. In addition, speakers can engage the audience by asking questions throughout the presentation. Audience members can participate in polls by raising their hands. Speakers can also make their presentations more interesting by including pictures and other visual materials. People enjoy looking at pictures more than reading blocks of text. The pictures can help them remember the presentation.

By using these six event planning tips, hosts will help attendees have a great time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. How do you engage meeting attendees?
A. Utilize social media. Social media is one of the easiest (and most effective) ways to engage your conference attendees. Incorporate games/contests, coordinate off-site events, and create a comfortable environment.

Q. How do you get people to engage in a discussion?
A. Here are some tips to engage people in a discussion to become an active listener, ask questions, have confidence, put your phone away and use reflective listening. Begin conversations with open-ended questions, mirror their actions, and get out of your head.

Q. How do you engage?
A. Make it a point to listen before you speak. If your story’s really interesting, it will still be interesting in five minutes. One of the best ways to show engagement is by expressing a natural curiosity for what the other person is telling you.

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