Piovra Group

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The Future of The Event Industry Post Pandemic in 2021/2022

Despite the popularity of alternative digital experiences and the bleakness of 2020, it looks like vaccinations are changing everything. Family and friends are meeting again and many smaller gatherings have been scheduled. Although it appears the world is going back to normal, lessons from the past couple of years should not be forgotten. Both attendees and planners are ready for the excitement of a new live event.

Caution is necessary for industry professionals. Getting carried away is too easy and expectation management is essential for a smooth live event transition. Covid 19 attendees must understand live gatherings are not quite as glamorous as in the past but the magic and creativity have not been lost. There is no doubt attending these types of gatherings is worthwhile.

  • The Importance of Safety -

Despite the impressiveness of the vaccine rollout throughout the United States, COVID-19 has not been completely eliminated. Many individuals are experiencing difficulties for several reasons including:

  1. Previous quarantines

  2. Previous confinements

  3. Past inability to enjoy the world

  4. Past inability to enjoy life to the fullest

Now that the world is essentially open, hugging is once again permissible and life has become intoxicating again, it can be difficult to remember the extremely real threat of the virus still exists. Professionals of the event industries must be responsible regarding safety. It is not possible to simply resume gathering with thousands or hundreds of attendees.

  • When new gatherings are planned, priorities must be maintained for the safely of Covid 19 attendees such as:

  1. Solutions for contactless registration

  2. Hand sanitizing stations

  3. Masks

  4. Mandatory vaccinations and tests.

  • Preparing for Success: The following steps are essential for success in the future -

Step One: Ensuring the correct protocols are in place.

Step Two: Providing information necessary for attendees prior to the event.

Step Three: Explaining the procedures required prior to entering a new venue.

Step Four: Ensuring attendees understand what the venue will provide.

The event design is significant since enormous events filled with thousands of people are not ready to be resumed at this time. Events will be slightly different and should proceed at a slow yet steady pace. Smaller gatherings are excellent for the promotion of social distancing since the flow of attendees both arriving and leaving can be monitored.

All attendees must be in compliance with safety protocols. Life has been impacted by the ravages the virus left behind. This does not mean a successful event is not possible provided the correct steps and protocols are observed and expectations are managed properly.

  • The Role of Technology -

Technology, venues, partners, and planners are on your side. Studios have been created specifically for each individual venue to ensure hybrid gatherings including both virtual and physical portions are possible once again. The Piovra Group understands exactly what must be accomplished to produce the perfect event including:

  1. Weddings

  2. Corporate gatherings

  3. Holiday parties

  4. Social parties

Due to the preparations of the planners, there is no need for concern. Despite this, COVID 19 has impacted the world and some want live functions resumed immediately. Unfortunately, fewer tickets are sold due to the restrictions determining how many people can gather in one place. The solution is hybrid events. Unique and smaller gatherings not possible in the past have become reality.

As for ROI increases, exhibitors and sponsors receive additional benefits. Your brand can be hosted on a global scale much larger than possible with a strictly in-person event so common in the past.

  • Selecting the Ideal Partners -

Hybrid production, compliance, and execution can be extremely difficult when you are alone. Working with partners is recommended because protocols are already in place. Research has been conducted to determine the best studios to ensure hybrid gatherings are successful. All of us at the Piovra Group believe in creating the ideal equation. As the world has changed, we have changed as well.

We have made a strong commitment to hybrid production and COVID compliance to ensure your future gatherings are everything you desire and more. If you have any questions about what is or is not possible for a future project or gathering, the safety of going live, or the benefits of hybrid, we are here to help and are happy to answer all of your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Post-pandemic Safety Guidelines Live Events Need to Follow?
A. We are following all the LA County guidelines that have been implemented such as recommending the usage of masks, washing hands, and providing hand sanitizers for all guests. Sanitizing venues pre-and post-events is also one of the most important aspects of ensuring attendees' safety.

Q. How to hold a safe In-Person Meeting?
A. The best way to safely hold an in-person meeting is to follow the city's guidelines. It is extremely crucial to set expectations by making attendees aware that in-person meetings are much different compared to the pre-pandemic, but it is still possible to be creative by hosting outdoor meetings.

Q. What steps do we need to take to host a successful live event?
A. Step One: Ensuring the correct protocols are in place.
Step Two: Providing necessary information for attendees prior to the event.
Step Three: Explaining the required procedures prior to entering a new venue.
Step Four: Ensuring attendees understand what the venue will provide.