Top 3 Useful Tips for A Successful Corporate Event in 2021


It's no secret that planning a successful corporate event can be a considerable challenge. If you are looking to plan a corporate event in 2021, the ongoing pandemic might amplify the challenges you are likely to face. As top-notch event planning experts, we are here to assure you that you have no reason to worry.

We have been planning events for years through all sorts of challenges, and with our experience, we can help you achieve a perfect corporate event.

Here are the three basics that you need to pay attention to manage a successful corporate event in 2021:

1. Keep the event closer to home

In the past, many enterprises preferred holding their corporate events far away in exotic locations. This is because the events were meant to build teamwork among the staff and work as part of the employee appreciation perks. In 2021, it's paramount that you keep your company event closer to home due to the ongoing pandemic. This means that you will be exposing your staff to less risk of contracting Covid 19, and safer employees make for more successful enterprises.

This means that you have to find a suitable venue around your location to hold the event. Since you are not spending as much money on travel expenses, it's okay to splurge on an outstanding venue near you. Find a venue that suits your event's theme. If you are having trouble finding the right venue, reach out to us for venue consulting. We have a dedicated team engaging in mapping the most exciting event venues across the country.

2. Consider hybrid events

Traditionally, live events have been all the buzz for companies. This is because having all the employees in one place provides an excellent opportunity for staff from different departments to create synergy outside of a work environment. With the ongoing pandemic, having all the staff in your company in one location in the name of a corporate event is not a wise choice.

As a large enterprise with a significant number of employees, holding a live corporate event means that there will be little opportunity for your employees to maintain social distance, which might increase person-to-person transmission of Covid 19. This is why we advise that you consider shifting to hybrid events where a manageable number of staff attend your event in-person while the rest do so virtually.

Hybrid events have several advantages over live events, including;

  • They are much cheaper to organize as only a tiny fraction of employees have to attend in person. This means you can find a smaller venue that is more affordable.

  • Your corporate event can be bigger than ever before as the number of staff who can attend virtually is limitless

  • Hybrid events allow you to take your corporate event international without the traditional worries of having to apply for event licenses in different countries

3. Stick to the Covid-19 guidelines

Though the Covid-19 situation has been getting better worldwide over the last couple of months, it's still important to stick to the Covid-19 guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and other health agencies when holding your corporate event. This will enable you to hold a successful event without putting your staff and their families at risk of contracting Covid 19. Many players in the event industry are already abiding by these guidelines. They include;

  • The staff who will be attending the event in person sit at least 6 feet from each other

  • Every in-person attendee has to wear a face mask when interacting with others

  • Each staff member should have a hand sanitizer and be encouraged to wash their hands with sufficient soap and water regularly

  • Indoor events should be held in well-ventilated rooms with good airflow

  • Hand contact should be kept to the minimum or avoided altogether

Do you need help?

If you feel getting all these basics right is a demanding task and want a team of event planning experts to help, reach out to Piovra Group. Over the last year, we have been assisting enterprises like you to hold prosperous and safe corporate events despite the pandemic challenges. We cater to all kinds of business and are dedicated to ensuring that you achieve your objectives for your corporate event.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What do you consider a corporate event?

A. Corporate Events private events held by corporations or businesses for their staff, clients, or stakeholders. These events can be targeted to large audiences such as conventions and conferences, or they can be smaller events and gatherings such as retreats, holiday parties, or even private concerts.

Q. What does a corporate planner do?

A. A corporate event planner directs, plans, and implements activities for organizations or businesses to promote team building, launch new products, provide training, celebrate company milestones or holidays and increase productivity. A corporate planner can be in-house and full-time with the company or it can be hired as a freelancer on a project-by-project basis.

Q. What are examples of corporate events?

A. Seminars, Company milestone events, Team-building events, Product launch events, and conferences. Seminars and conferences make up the majority of all corporate events.

Luca Fiorini