What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Using A Venue Consultant?

venue consulting

Before we dive into all the benefits of using a venue consultant, let's first cover what does a venue consultant do? A venue consultant assists venue owners, or those aspiring to be venue owners, to build and streamline the business side of their venue. So that leads us to our next question:

How can event venue consulting help you?

1. Money

While you have to invest upfront in a venue consultant, the amount of money they can save you over the long-run is monumental. A venue consultant comes with experience and a book of business separate from yours. When you hire them on, most of the time, they can bring business to your door immediately. Not only that, but they’ve also been around the block when it comes to marketing, networking and growing a book of business, so rather than waste your time and money exerting yourself on methods you’re not sure you’ll reap the benefits of, the venue consultant steps in with proven results.

2. Energy

Owning a venue can be a lot of work, with so many moving pieces, it’s easy to become exhausted. By bringing on a venue consultant as a partner, you can now divide and conquer, and focus your energy on the part of the business you love the most. They will also save you exerting and exhausting yourself when it comes to trying out different methodologies. When you are trying to grow a book of business, you are going to fall down time and time again before you learn to walk and run. A venue consultant saves that energy by bringing in methods that work.

3. Time

With the two of you running and operating the business now, you will have so much more time to put towards the event venue space, a new marketing campaign you thought of, or getting out into the world and networking. Two is better than one in our opinion and they save you the time it takes to make mistakes and learn from them. They can skip quite a few of the mistakes and get right to the results based on their experience. 

What are the main things a venue consultant looks for when looking for a venue?

1. Wide Range Of Events

One thing a venue consultant is going to look at right off the bat is the range of events that can be hosted at the venue. Is it a smaller or a larger venue? Can the space quite easily be decked out into different styles of décor or is it one specific design style? A consultant looks at the space and ideally wants to be able to host as many events as possible there.

2. Convenience

They will look at how easily accessible the event space is. Can people get to the venue easily? Is there public transportation around? What does the parking situation look like? Making sure people can come to the events you organize is important for the venue’s success.

3. Amenities

Another thing venue consultants will look for is the amenities in the space. Is there a good lighting system? A stage? A built-in sound system? These are all things to consider if a venue is a one-stop-shop or if these types of services would need to be contracted out.

Whether you’re looking for venue consulting for corporate events or venue consulting for weddings, there is a great deal of benefit when you partner with a venue management company. At Piovra Group, we aim to make our clients’ lives as easy as possible and to grow their book of business beyond what they saw imaginable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Can I negotiate pricing with a venue consultant?

A. You can always negotiate pricing, however, you will want to see the benefit your business will be getting long-term, rather than the short-term investment in the upfront. Hiring a venue consultant can make your business thrive and it’s important to see the long-term benefit.

Q. If I was interested in working with Piovra Group, how would we get started?

A. We would set up an initial call to go over your book of business and the venue to see if this would be a mutually beneficial partnership. From there, we have a business model that we walk you through to get started.

Q. If I own a venue, but I want to upgrade the interior, can you help me plan out what that looks like?

A. Yes we can. We can take a look at what would benefit your venue in the event space the most and what that looks like for you in terms of return on investment.

Luca Fiorini