Top 5 Tips on Planning Corporate Live Events This Summer In 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic brought in a deck of new cards in the event planning industry. Live events came to a halt, and everything changed in a blink of an eye. People have become more innovative and creative, with the pandemic dominating most industries for more than a year. As a result, event companies have developed new and better methods of operations to ensure they remain in the game.

Despite the extensive damage that the pandemic caused in live events, there is a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Cameras are rolling back to live events as the industry comes back from the pandemic's devastating blow. Companies are still torn between sticking to virtual events and going back to live events to ensure they give their attendees an enjoyable experience. Let's delve into the essential tips to keep in mind when planning live corporate events Los Angeles this summer in 2021:

1. Communicate health and safety measures

When hosting live corporate events, your employees' and clients' health and safety should be a top priority. There is nothing like over-communication when it comes to taking care of their health. Ensure to communicate the safety precautions required for a safe environment effectively.

The event attendees should adhere to the safety regulations to the letter. They should ensure they wear masks and go through temperature checks. It is critical to share with the attendees the relevant health and safety plans to make them feel safe and comfortable.

2. Socially distanced seating

Social distancing has become the typical narrative where two or more individuals gather. Therefore, when organizing a corporate event, it is vital to consider the available space and number of attendees before settling for a particular venue booking.

The venue for the corporate event should allow room for social distancing in all aspects. Attendees should have the privilege to move around comfortably without getting in each other's way. In addition, there should be clear instructions on the seating arrangements to take care of everyone's safety.

3. Pre-event safety program

Attendees' safety is pivotal in hosting any event. Most corporate events host the company's shareholders, including their employees. Therefore, it is critical providing a safe environment during corporate events to avoid a situation whereby your attendees contract the Covid-19.

Having a pre-event safety program is essential since it gives a clear report on the health-set status of the attendees before the actual event.

4. Take advantage of outdoor venues

With social distancing in place, outdoor venues are gaining traction by the day. Most in-person events are inclined towards outdoor venues. When location scouting for a corporate event, ensure to consider outdoor venues that will allow your attendees to feel comfortable during the event.

Since capacity laws may limit the number of people to host in your corporate event, taking advantage of outdoor venues is the best solution. Ensure to do in-depth research on the venues for corporate events event planning for you to get the most suitable one.

5. Gather details for contact tracing

When organizing an event, most hosts concentrate on how their attendees can have a fabulous time. With the pandemic, the attendees' health status has become a priority, before, during and after the event. Collecting attendees' personal information for tracking and tracing after the event is essential.

When organizing corporate events, it is vital to develop the appropriate strategies for collecting attendees' details. With many companies providing outbreak management and contact tracing services, it has become easier to track transmission on the coronavirus. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that you collect accurate personal information regarding your attendees for effective contact tracing when the need arises.

Final thoughts

Vaccinations are rolling out quickly in LA, with more than 55% of Californians fully vaccinated. As a result, more venues for summer party in LA are available. As most counties continue to ease out on the pandemic restrictions, the events industry opens up safer and flexible alternatives.

Live events are preparing to come back with a bang despite being among the sectors hard hit with the coronavirus pandemic. More prospects for live events continue to open up in the foreseeable future, with public health officials stressing precautionary measures. The tips above are guidelines for hosting a successful live corporate event to get you back in the game.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What precautions should be taken while hosting a live event?

A. The attendees should adhere to safety regulations also they should ensure wearing masks and go through temperature checks.

Q. Why is it important to have a pre-event safety program?

A. Having a pre-event safety program is essential since it gives a clear report on the health status of the attendees before the actual event.

Q. How can collecting attendees personal information help in tracking transmission of the coronavirus?

A. Collecting attendees' personal information for tracking and tracing after the event is essential. With many companies providing outbreak management and contact tracing services, it has become easier to track transmission on the coronavirus.

Luca Fiorini