The Big Guide to Find A Perfect Event Space Rental

event space rental

When it comes to premium event venues in California, there are many to choose from, but choosing the right one is crucial to the success of your event. At Piovra Group, we have over 23 different venues we partner with, and we are always adding to our roster. Whether you’re looking for a quaint outdoor patio or a high-end exclusive event space, there is no doubt we can find the perfect venue for you.

Your Go-To Consultant

At Piovra Group, we are thought of amongst our clientele as a go-to consultant. We do everything from helping you find the perfect space to party planning and floor layouts, décor and design, logistics, additional services, and execution. No matter where you are along your event planning journey, we are here to help.

Choosing A Venue

When it comes to choosing the right venue for you, we always like to start with the basics. What is the purpose of your event and how many guests will be attending? This will help us do an initial run at floor layout and size of venue to make sure we choose the right space for your needs. Next, we want to narrow down based on aesthetics. Do you have a theme or a certain vibe you’re going for at your event? Maybe you are looking for an industrial event venue in California? Or perhaps a more intimate lounge? Or for an immersive art & entertainment venue in Wisdome Los Angeles? Setting expectations will help us choose the perfect space that matches your ideal vision. From there, we can fill in the rest of the details.

Permits, Security and Insurance

Once you choose your venue, you will want to consider permits, security and insurance. Depending on what your event is for, we may have to investigate additional permits required. Once we dive in and begin planning with you, we are experts in this area. Are you going to have VIP guests? You may want to consider hiring security, especially if you are hosting a larger event. And finally, insurance can always be a safety cushion to protect you from property damage, weather and so forth.


Now that you have your venue rental and venue logistics taken care of, you’ll want to focus on food! Guests are not happy if they are hungry and food is often a main topic of conversation during events, so you’ll want to make sure you get it right. Working with us gives you access to numerous catering companies that we can help negotiate within your price range. From buffet style to family style or single serving plate style, we can make sure the food presentation matches the flow and aesthetic of your event.


Deciding on entertainment will hinge on your vision when it comes to your event. Do you need a DJ? A stage? Attractions? Sound system? Furniture rental? These are things to consider when it comes to the flow of your event. Being in the industry for many years now, we have connections for all of these to make sure planning for your event goes smoothly.

Photographer and Videographer

Finally, a big part of any event is capturing it in an effective way that you can use in future material. Whether you want to post on social media, use for future marketing purposes or add to a portfolio, you will want to make sure you hire a talented photographer and videographer to capture your vision. We always recommend discussing your goals with the photographer/videographer ahead of time so they know what you want to focus on.

With so many factors to consider when it comes to event space rentals, we are here to help you navigate. With our knowledge and expertise, we will take all of the hard work out of your event so you can focus on bringing your vision to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I know what I want my theme to be, but don’t have a venue in mind, can you help me choose one?
A: Of course. Once we sit down and gather some details from you, we can help provide options and narrow down a space that will be perfect for your event.

Q: If I have a smaller budget, can I still throw an effective event?
A: Yes. We can always work with your budget within reason. There are certain minimums when it comes to space rental but then we can scale for you depending on your needs.

Q: If I know the goal of my event, but I’m a little lost when it comes to entertainment, can you help me brainstorm?
A: We are more than happy to. Once we discuss the goal of your event, you can leave it up to us to brainstorm entertainment and aesthetic. We are always happy to help with additional event details.

Luca Fiorini