How To Organize Successful Corporate Team Building Events

corporate event venue

Corporate team building events are a great way to build company culture and co-worker comradery. You might be asking yourself what a team building event is and we’re glad you asked. A team building event is the process of strengthening a bond between people in a group for the purpose of working more efficiently at achieving the group’s goals. 

The Benefits of Team Building Activities

Team building activities can offer a number of benefits such as employees learning to work with each other in different environments and situations, encouraging them to showcase problem-solving skills and creativity, help the team mesh well together and help to improve productivity and communication. This is why team building activities have become so popular over the past few years.

How to Plan a Team Building Event

1. Set a Budget

First and foremost, you will want to determine what your realistic budget is. This will help you decide on the type of day and activities you will partake in. The budget will serve as a guide for what you can afford and to what level you will go with the details.

2. Set Goals

You will want to make sure you establish goals because at the end of the day, team building is meant to accomplish something. What do you want your employees to focus on during the team building? Communication? Problem-solving? Time management? These goals will also help back up your budget and can be used for future reference.

3. Find the Right Time

People typically don’t enjoy taking time out of their personal schedules to work more, so considering hosting your team building event during a workday would probably make your employees very happy. Then they don’t have to give up family or personal time in order to make this event work.

4. Make Sure Everyone is Involved

It’s also important to make sure everyone in the office is involved. It’s easy to spot the bigger personalities in a work type setting, so making sure everyone is involved beyond the people you typically hear from is important. This way everyone benefits from the exercise, and it adds that much more to the company culture.

5. Outdoors or Indoors

When looking for team building venues, it’s important to consider if you want outdoor event venues or indoor event venues. Outdoor corporate event venues can be so fun because it’s different from the typical office setting and makes the event more fun for everyone involved. If you decide to do an indoor event space, you want to make sure it’s exciting and engaging! 

6. Learning Something New

You always want to make sure your team walks away learning something new. The whole point of team building activities is to grow a skillset that is important to the company. If your employees feel like they learned nothing, we wouldn’t consider that dollars well spent.

7. Collect Feedback

Finally, you will want to make sure you collect feedback from your employees on how the team building day went. You could send out a short survey through email with five questions or less on how they thought it went. Get feedback on activities, event flow, the event rental space and anything else that may be beneficial for future events you host. This will be a nice reference point to look back on when you are planning the same event the following year.

At Piovra Group, we have many established connections with various venues across the Los Angeles and Orange County area. If you are beginning to plan a team building event, we would be more than happy to assist you along any step of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: If I have never hosted a team building event, what type of activities would you suggest?

A: This would completely depend on what your goals are and what you are trying to accomplish. Once you have set your goals, you will plan out your activities from there.

Q: Would you be able to assist me in finding a venue?

A: Yes. We have numerous event venue partnerships and would be more than happy to help you find the best venue for your needs.

Q: How would I create a survey to send out?

A: There are numerous third-party sites you can use that are very inexpensive or free and they are very easy to set up.

Luca Fiorini