Crowd Control Tips To Follow For Your Next Event.

When it comes to event planning, it is the responsibility of the venue management to ensure that every part of the event is safe and fun. To get positive reviews from your event attendees, the most crucial thing is to keep the staff and guests safe and minimize complaints. Hence, if you are planning a large-scale event, you need to adopt some crowd management tips.

Employ a large number of security officers and ushers.

If you are planning to hold a big event, you need a large number of staff members. The team consists of people who work for the event organization company and extra security provided by the venue owners. Instead of each guest flagging down busy staff members during the event for any form of help, there should be a help desk that is easily accessible for people to ask their questions.

You should also include ushers in your team to help visitors find their seats and maintaining order in the queues. If you are an event planner, then you know that check-in lines can quickly become chaotic. In all events, some stragglers try to cut in line or block the entrances to cause confusion and enter the event without paying. To avoid such situations, put stanchions on your entries and designate ushers to direct people to their correct queues if there are multiple lines. In addition, ensure that all areas, such as VIP, are well marked.

When it comes to security, some people are designated to deal with unruly attendees. If there is any issue related to the safety of the guests, the ushers should include the security team immediately. The people in the security team are trained in event management, and they know what to do in different scenarios. Also, the security team is responsible for checking whether the attendees have weapons or any harmful substances hidden inside their bags.

Put enough signage in the venue.

It would be best if you remembered that your event attendees would be navigating a crowded venue, and in some situations, it might be dark. Therefore, ensure that the guests have enough signs around the venue to direct them to wherever they need to get to. Some of the signs include a designated smoking area, a staff-only area, and directions to the restrooms.

A good sign should have a print that is large enough to read. If you are into event planning, you need to invest in reusable signage or digital signage. You do not want to incur the same costs every time you are holding an event. An event with proper signage does not have crowding because everybody knows where they need to be without asking.

Have an emergency plan.

As an event planner, you have to plan for the worst-case scenario. So many things can go wrong during an event, and you always need to have a solution. Some of the unplanned eventualities might be sudden weather changes, a fire breakout, and acts of terrorism. If these scenarios occur during an event, attendees might be forced to leave the venue until a solution is found.

It is the responsibility of the event planners to know the location of all the exits. The staff should be the last people to leave the venue to ensure that all attendees leave safely. When planning a big event, it is easy to assume that nothing can go wrong until it catches you and your team off-guard. Therefore, it is vital to get your staff mentally prepared for the unexpected. Having an emergency plan applies to both indoor and outdoor events.


If you hold a large event with many people, you need to prepare yourself for the responsibilities involved. As the event planner, you have to ensure that your attendees have fun and create memories while keeping them safe from any form of danger. Therefore, go through the tips in this article before you start planning for your next event.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Is it necessary to have a a lot of staff at an event?

A. If you are planning to hold a big event, you need to staff your event appropriately. Make sure to hire the right team of event coordinators in Los Angeles and security officers for your event to keep your guests safe and make sure to host a successful event.

Q. What is the purpose of good signage at a venue?

A. Good signage will allow guests to identify the venue and not get lost once they arrive at the venue address.If you are an event planner you should think about reusable signage to save on your next event and help the environment. Proper signage throughout the venue is extremely important to control the crowd and make sure every guest knows where the restroom and the emergency exits are located.

Q. Why is it important to have an emergency plan for an event?

A. As an event planner, you always have to be 10 steps ahead and you have to plan for the worst-case scenario. So many things can go wrong during an event, and you always need to have a solution in your back pocket. Some emergencies include sudden weather changes, a fire breakout or even acts of terrorism. If these scenarios occur during an event, the event planner needs to make sure all staff is trained and knowledgeable about safety procedures in case of an emergency.

Luca Fiorini