7 Major Trends In The Event Industry For 2021



The world has certainly changed in the last 12 months. Now that we know some of what to expect in a pandemic, many event planners are moving forward and looking toward next year.

What does the industry hold for 2021? What trends can we look to? How is venue management and event management going to change? It’s no secret that events will look different next year. 

Venue booking and event management companies like Piovra Group will certainly see these seven major trends in the event industry in 2021:

1. More Hybrid Events

This year has shown us the potential that virtual events have in today’s world. Hybrid events involving virtual components along with life experiences will be an important part of the event world in 2021 and the years ahead. There are plenty of opportunities for Event Planners & Corporate Event Management companies that abound with hybrid events.

Hybrid events are likewise very helpful arrangements when a considerable lot of your participants who might typically go to face to face can't especially in covid 19 times. A best practice might be to convey a pre-occasion review to earn the current circumstances and sensations of your invitees. On the off chance that you get the feeling that many would incline toward the alternative of going to essentially, a crossover occasion might be the most ideal approach.

We may see shorter in-person events that continue online. Follow-up with attendees, sponsors and other clients can easily take place once the event ends. We could also see “pre-events” that take place online and continue in-person — holding an event preview or early session online can serve as a teaser to build anticipation for the in-person event itself.

2. Social Distancing with the Guests

We were already moving away from physical touch, to begin with, but circumstances in 2020 have pushed us even further away. Look for more opportunities to contact without engaging in physical touch. Next year, we’ll see more of an emphasis on completely touchless interaction.

Touch-free tools will be very important. Prepare by finding ways to pay digitally, along with registration and communication via apps and online channels. We’ll see less reliance on touchscreens than in the past, and we may even see organizers utilizing scannable wristbands at events.

3. Communication & Awareness 

People expect to know what’s going on now more than ever, which makes communication even more crucial than it has been in the past. The Right Communication from venue owners, event planners and coordinators can help ensure the success of any event.

It’s also important to find the balance between thorough communication and information overload when it comes to future events. Look for ways to communicate all the important points that attendees and potential attendees need to know without bombarding them with emails and notifications.

In event industry it is very important to thank everybody included and finish up the occasion. In the event that you utilize a photograph slideshow, it is a smart thought to show photographs taken by members during the most recent day's lunch or the end comments. Your correspondence style and web-based media presence can establish the pace for your occasion before it starts, so utilize our manual for track down the most ideal approaches to impart data to all of your members.

4. Virtual Engagement

One of the keys to success in a world of hybrid and online events is figuring out ways for people to connect and engage when they’re not in person. In the past, event-goers relied on face-to-face interaction for networking at events, but some of those opportunities don’t exist anymore.

New types of events mean new paradigms for business interaction. Help attendees network with new strategies for connection. Develop avenues for online networking, whether it’s through a web portal, an app, or social media groups. 

We as a whole carry an energy to every single connection and stay connected. At times we need to examine ourselves preceding gatherings. A little levity can go far when you are having meeting in the wake of meeting so blend it up for certain pleasant exercises in your online gatherings. There's this association among sympathy and empathy. At the point when we effectively tune in, we are more adept to be compassionate to stay connected. Be that as it may, when we act, it's tied in with being caring since we are taking an issue and mitigating the torment of others.

5. Health Screening Areas

These days, people want to know that they’ll be safe everywhere they go, which is why health screening areas will be a must for events in 2021 and beyond. Of course, some of your health screening will take place in questionnaires before the event, but be prepared to set aside an area at the entrance to your venue for temperature screening.

You should consider tables and dividers for screening areas. Plan on having hand sanitizer or hand washing stations throughout your Indoor/Outdoor event space as well, and you might want to have an area for extra masks if someone forgot to bring one. You’ll also want to post signage that communicates your health standards and guidelines.

In today's events industry, enrollment and registration can be one of the greatest risk spaces of a live occasions or in person occasion during COVID-19—but at the same time it's probably the best spot to lay the basis for a protected assembling.

6. Distancing in Sessions & Breakouts

Let’s face it: social distancing isn’t going away anytime soon. The emphasis on social distancing in today’s culture means that your future events will look different. Room layouts will have to change as a result. You won’t be able to put rows of chairs as close to each other for large sessions, and you can’t place as many people at a table in breakout sessions.

You’ll need more tables to be able to spread people out, and you may even want to consider a different venue to accommodate your participants. You should also expect lines to enter and get around your event, so prepare with 6-feet markers on the floor and other clear reminders of social distancing. Plexiglass barriers at booths or other areas will facilitate communication amid social distancing needs.

7. Personalized Events

With fewer people willing to travel, events in the foreseeable future will be smaller. Cavernous event spaces may not work for events with fewer participants, so consider smaller venues or buildings with more options for customization. 

At the same time, people are demanding more personalization in the events they attend. Plan more breakout options, and consider setting up tracks that allow attendees to customize their experience. A more personalized event calls for creativity in decor, as well as more enticing and engaging design. In-person events are acquiring foothold in an inexorably computerized climate. The commotion from online media, messages, and advertisements have driven an ever increasing number of individuals looking for valid associations.

Piovra Group Event Team can help you with your upcoming event. From Venue Booking to event management, planning and Covid Compliance Assistance our team of event planners and venue matchmakers are ready to assist you with any event needs.

Contact Us today to explore your options for your upcoming event and make sure to keep your staff and your guests safe at your upcoming event.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What are the challenges of event industry?

A. Here are few challenges of the event industry Tight Budgets, Strict Compliance and Laws, increased Focus on Audience Engagement, Securing Sponsorships & Partnerships, etc.

Q. What are the trends in event management?

A. The new trends in the event management are Live streaming as it has become a staple trend in the world of event technology for some time, More secure data collection, artificial intelligence.

Q. How do you stay up to date with the event industry?

A. Enroll a tutor or industry pal. Finding a tutor or companion with industry experience allows you to fan out from the work environment and learn new data in a group environment.

Luca Fiorini