6 Easy Steps To An Amazing Fundraising Event

fundraising events

There is no better way to get your name out there and raise money quickly than through a fundraiser. To start, let’s first cover the basics and review “what are fundraising events?” A fundraising event is the process of seeking out voluntary financial contributions through willing business, charitable organizations, individuals or government agencies. 

So why is fundraising important? Fundraising events are usually going towards a great cause. They can bring people together under unifying beliefs and are a great way to get your name out there with a cause you want associated with your company. They can also be a great way to ensure your company's success by raising adequate funds to support all the activities of your company. If you have a fundraising event that isn’t planned thoroughly, with the measurable goals in place, they can be a waste of time and money.

So now we come to the real questions this article focuses on, which is how do fundraiser events work and how do I ensure they’re successful? We’re here to tell you.

1. Ask Questions Upfront:

When you first begin planning an event, you will want to ask the right questions in the upfront to lay out a strong foundation for your fundraiser. Who is your target audience? What are you trying to accomplish with this event? Where do you want to host it? How many people would you like to attend? These are questions you can ask your corporate event organizer to get clear and specific. If you do not have a corporate event organizer, you can always speak with an event consultant and they can help you ask the right questions.

2. Set A Budget:

Once you have asked the right questions and set your goals for the event, you will want to create a budget. We always recommend breaking your budget out into categories to make it easier to manage. For example, you can budget out venues for fundraising events, décor, entertainment, staff, equipment and so forth. Once you have a budget laid out, you can consult it throughout the rest of your project, which makes it easier to stick to.

3. Find A Venue:

Once you set your budget, you will want to find a venue space for rent where you can host your fundraiser. The event space is important because it will ultimately bring your event to life and you need to make sure it meets your needs. At Piovra Group, we work with over 23 different event spaces and can ensure we find you the perfect place to host your fundraiser. Working with a company who provides event management services only makes your life easier in the long run.

4. Seek Sponsors:

Partnering with other bigger or smaller businesses can alleviate some of the cost and burden. Finding companies who support a similar cause just widens your network and makes your event a little easier to plan and execute on. Plus, more often than not, companies look at fundraisers as an opportunity to connect with consumers and put their best foot forward. This usually makes for a successful event with all parties on deck. 

5. Invitations:

When it comes to the invitations, we always recommend the route of digital invites. You can visually design them to be easily readable and digestible, but this allows for analytics and tracking. You can see who has opened their invite, RSVP’d, shared the invite and so forth. You can include links to social media promotion and it’s a good way to follow up with your guests. You can even create peer-to-peer campaigns where co-workers can try to sell the highest amount of tickets or share event posts with as many people as possible. Friendly competition for a good cause!

6. Engage Your Audience:

When it comes time for the event itself, make sure you have fun and engaging ways for people to contribute to your cause. Are you hosting a silent auction? Are you selling merchandise? Do you have experiences that people can unlock when they text-to-donate? There are so many ways you can go about it, but we always recommend having a straightforward way for people to donate as well such as iPads around the room. Regardless of how you go about it, people are there to mingle and have a good time, so make sure your event is engaging.

We hope this helped answer your questions surrounding fundraising and how throwing an amazing event can be simple when you follow these steps. At Piovra Group, we are always happy to assist in planning and executing your event and are open to further conversations to make your job as easy as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: I have never thrown a fundraiser so where do I start?
A: We always recommend for your first time to pair with an event consultant. They will help you set up measurable goals and help guide you throughout the entire process.

Q: Do you think sending out printed invites is a miss?
A: Printed invites can add an interesting experience in terms of opening the invite itself. You can add visual elements, fun delivery experience, scent, texture and so forth. However, when it comes to the measurability, we think digital invites provide more information.

Q: How do I know what a realistic budget is?
A: When you work with an event consultant, they can help guide you through realistic budgets for all the different components of your event. That way, you have expectations going in for what to expect.

Luca Fiorini