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Here Are Some Amazing Tips For Finding the Perfect BarBat Mitzvah Venue

For those of you asking "what is a Bar Mitzvah and why is it important?" we'll go ahead and cover the basics for you. A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a coming of age ceremony and celebration for Jewish boys and girls when they turn 12 or 13. This marks the milestone when they become a Jewish adult and are now responsible for their own actions and can decide for themselves the way in which they would like to practice Judaism.

In terms of what to expect at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah service, services and the length of the service can vary widely from congregation to congregation, depending on the synagogue's denomination. So we always recommend asking your host or you can always go to the synagogue's website to get a better idea.

Now for those of you who are well aware of all these details, let's get to the fun part of this reading, hosting the actual event! We have put together six tips for finding the perfect BarBat Mitzvah venue that we think you will find helpful.

1. Create A Budget

Have a set amount in mind that you are willing to spend when you start to plan your event. Oftentimes, with milestone moments like these, we tend to make exceptions to our budget because we want the day to be perfect. However, if you set your budget and remain firm, more often than not, vendors can work within your budget. Have a number in mind that you are not willing to go over and that will help you as you start to negotiate with venue management and other vendors.

2. Tour Different Venues

When it comes to searching for the right BarBat Mitzvah venue, you want to make sure you're touring different outdoor and indoor spaces so you have options and room for negotiation. At Piovra Group, we work directly with over 23 different venues in Los Angeles and know that we can find you the perfect venue that will bring your vision to life. Now keep in mind, you don't just have to tour religious spaces for rent, most venues are willing to accomodate to your needs. 

3. Guest List

Once you have set your budget and toured different venues, you will want to figure out the guest list and how many people will be attending your BarBat Mitzvah. The guest list can help assist you in making your final decision for the venue, to make sure all of your guests can be accomodated. The last thing you want is all your guests cramped into an uncomfortably small space or even worse, a venue so large, it looks like your party is empty, with too much space in between everyone.

4. Parking

One detail that often slips people's minds when planning for an event is the parking situation. Is it street parking? A parking lot? A parking garage? You will want to make sure that people can park easily, along with parking that is accessible to your event. If the parking is further from the space itself, you will want to make sure you provide guests with detailed instructions so they are at ease when they arrive. There is nothing worse than flustered and irritated guests the moment they arrive at your event.

5. Envision Your Event

You will want to make sure you envision your event beforehand so that you can follow through on all the details. Do you want a DJ? If so, how many sockets does the venue have to accommodate electronics and equipment? Do you want a valet option? Does the venue provide additional staffing for services like this? What kind of food are you wanting at the event? Do you need a cater? Do you know how you want to decorate the venue? Is the space set up appropriately to make your vision come to life? These details will make sure your event is buttoned up.

6. Rehearsal and Walk-Through

It is always a good idea to walk through your event beforehand with your team. Giving a flow and timeline of how you envision your event, ensures that your team can be prepared. This will help iron out any final details to make sure your event goes off without a hitch.

We hope you found these tips helpful, and as always, we at Piovra Group are always happy to discuss your vision further. We aim to take away the work for our clients so they can enjoy the event to its fullest.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: If the parking situation isn't the greatest, should I pick a different venue?

A: While accessible parking definitely makes things easier, it doesn't have to be the reason you leave a venue. Just make sure you have a plan of action for your guests and that it is communicated clearly to them beforehand.

Q: What if I don't know what type of decor I want?

A: That is no problem. Being a venue consulting company, we can always help bring a vision to life for you in terms of the decor. That's what we do best.

Q: What if I don't know what a realistic budget is?

A: We can help you come up with a realistic budget based on the venue and your vision. That way you know realistically what to expect as you plan your BarBat Mitzvah.

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