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5 Amazing Tips on How To Plan A Fashion Show

Do you have a collection you have been dying to premiere at a fashion show? Or maybe you have a client who hasn’t yet introduced their designs to the world. A fashion show can be a great way to showcase work but they can be complicated and intimidating to pull off. We have put together a list of tips to make this type of event as easy as possible for you.

1. Choosing The Best Fashion Show Venues

The first question on most people’s minds is where to host a fashion show? You want to make sure wherever you host your event matches the aesthetic and creative direction you are trying to bring to life. When it comes to choosing a fashion show space, we usually recommend luxury event venues. With this type of space, you typically have everything built in such as a stage, lighting and additional rooms for changing and so forth. When it comes to venue rentals in Los Angeles, there is no shortage of spaces to choose from. At Piovra Group alone, we have over 23 different venues we partner with and know we would be able to find you a space based on your needs and wants.

2. Utilizing Technology

Technology has become an integral part of the fashion industry and can be used in many different ways to bring your event to life. Large screens can help fully immerse your audience and also gives you the added benefit of seeing the clothing from all different angles. More recent technology such as AR and VR can add interesting layers to your show through different immersive experiences. Recording and streaming helps you reach a wider audience, and allows people to join virtually if they weren't able to attend in-person. Once you have captured your show through recording, you can then re-purpose that footage for future content and marketing efforts. If you are planning on hosting a fashion show, the technology needs to be baked into your ideas.

3. Models to Represent Your Brand

Choosing the right models to represent your brand is crucial to the success of your event. These are the people who will bring your work to life and also keep your audience entertained throughout the event. In this day and age, you must have a range of body types to make your brand more inclusive. Sticking to the "stereotypical model appearance" usually isn't absorbed well by consumers today. They like to see people like them wearing the clothes to make it seem realistic. To have a brand who represents real women in real sizes helps customers connect better with the clothing.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

We've all heard the term before "practice makes perfect" and it couldn't be more true when you're hosting an event such as a fashion show. Running through the entire production helps smooth out any hiccups that may come up throughout the event. It also helps people feel familiar and comfortable as you get closer to the actual event. Scheduling a full dress rehearsal beforehand will help models get a feel for walking in the clothing and the rest of your team can perfect things like lighting and other production elements to make sure your event runs as smoothly as possible.

5. Make Guests The Main Attraction

When we hear the question "what makes a fashion show successful?" we automatically jump to making your guests feel like the main attraction. You could have a perfect fashion show, but if your guests didn't enjoy it, does it really matter? With an event like this, attendees like to feel special. Making them feel glamorous and important will ensure your guests enjoy the show as much as possible. You can add on layers to the experience by having a cocktail hour beforehand or offering samples and products from different brands. Sometimes the smallest gestures go a long way.

We hope this guide helped you answer the big question of “how do you plan a fashion show?” Whether you are simply looking for an event space for a fashion show in LA or want to plan the whole event from start to finish, we are here to help you every step of the way. As leading event experts, we can bring your vision to life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: If this is my first fashion show, can you guide me through the production?
A: Yes. As an event expert, we can lead you through the planning and production of a full scale fashion show. Anything you want to bring to life, we can accomplish.

Q: If I don’t know where I want to host my fashion show, can you help me find a venue?
A: Yes. We have over 23 established venue partnerships and can definitely help you find a space that accommodates your wants and needs.

Q: Do you think recording and streaming the fashion show is crucial?
A: While it won’t make or break your event, it will definitely help you reach a wider audience and expand your views. We think that is a key to success and scaling your reach.

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